How location based mobile apps help business?
Location-based apps – taking advantage of untapped opportunities
Make the most of your organisation's data by utilising GIS technology in your business's apps.
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Location-based services move beyond mobile and into enterprise apps
The ability to access location-based services (LBS) via a real-time API/SDK is critical to making future services and applications useful, especially in business.
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Location-based apps: Unlocking the true value of your business data
GIS mapping can help facilitate data-driven decisions, improve business performance and the ways in which the technology can be applied in a business setting
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Location-based service - Wikipedia
A location-based service ( LBS ) is a general term denoting software services which utilize geographic data and information to provide services or information to users. LBS can be used in a variety of contexts, such as health, indoor object search , entertainment, work, personal life, etc. Commonly used examples of location based services include navigation software, social networking services , location-based advertising , and tracking systems . LBS can also include mobile commerce when taking the form of coupons or advertising directed at customers based on their current location. They include personalized weather services and even location-based games.
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Location technology for business growth
Check out more regarding developing location based apps and how it helps in business growth
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